If you find yourself needing to generate letters manually due to a borrower or agent not being tech-savvy or unwilling to use the technology, QuickQual makes it easy for you to handle this process. Follow these steps to generate letters yourself.
Steps to Generate Letters
Access the My QuickQuals Page
- Navigate to your My QuickQuals page. Ensure that the QuickQual you need is already created.
Locate the Specific QuickQual
- Find the QuickQual for the borrower or agent you need to generate letters for.
Open the QuickQual's Menu
- Click on the QuickQual's menu and select the option Preview QuickQual.
- This will take you to the calculator where you can generate letters, similar to what the borrower or agent would see.
Generate Letters
- After inputting a scenario, you can generate your Pre-Qualification or Pre-Approval letters by selecting the Issue Letter button at the bottom of the calculator. The process looks and acts exactly as it would for the borrower or agent.
By following these steps, you can efficiently manage and generate letters without requiring the borrower or agent to engage with the technology. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at support@lenderlogix.com!