Understanding the View QuickQual Details Page

Let's walk through the View QuickQual Details page, which offers a comprehensive behind-the-scenes view of any active QuickQual. Follow these steps to make the most out of this feature.

Accessing the View QuickQual Details Page

  1. Log in to Your Account
  2. Navigate to Your My QuickQuals Page
  3. Choose a QuickQual and Open the View QuickQual Details Page:
    • Locate the QuickQual you want to view.
    • Open its menu and click on View QuickQual Details. This will take you to the Details Page.


Key Features on the View QuickQual Details Page

Activity Timeline Tab:

  • Default View: When you open the page, the Activity Timeline tab is displayed towards the bottom by default. 
  • Track Logins and Changes: This tab records every login (whether by a borrower, agent, or yourself) along with a date and time stamp. It also logs any changes made to the calculator, providing you with real-time visibility into the activity on the file.

Letter History Tab:

  • View Generated Letters: This tab lists every letter generated from the calculator, starting from the very first one.
  • Access PDFs: Click on any letter to view its PDF version. This is useful for referencing previous communications.

Expiration Management:

  • Expire QuickQual: You can expire a QuickQual, keeping it accessible to borrowers and agents without the ability to generate new letters.
  • Disable QuickQual: Disabling a QuickQual completely locks it, making the calculator inaccessible to anyone.
  • Extend Expiration: You can extend the expiration of a QuickQual to the account default (e.g., 90 or 120 days). Simply click on "Extend Pre-Approval X days" to reset the expiration.
  • Manually Edit Expiration:
    • To manually change the expiration date, click on the current number of days and type in the desired new number.

The expiration date cannot exceed your account’s default setting.

Notes Section:

  • You also have a section to take notes, located in the top right corner.

The Notes feature is for your eyes only and not visible to your borrowers and/or agents.


The View QuickQual Details Page provides essential information and tools to manage your QuickQuals effectively. From tracking activities to managing document history and adjusting expiration dates, you have comprehensive control and visibility over your files. For any assistance, feel free to reach out to the LenderLogix support team!