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  2. Product Release Notes

Links and Actions on the LiteSpeed Needs List

Sometimes lenders would like borrowers to complete other tasks that don't require a document to be uploaded - now LiteSpeed be used for this.

Many LiteSpeed customers setup their experience to include links to websites when a new Needs List is created. These links may take the form of an Opt Out Prescreen form where borrowers can opt out of trigger leads or 'About Me' forms that lenders send to prospects to learn more about them. 

These links and other items can now be controlled right within your Encompass® environment. With your file selected within Encompass, navigate to the "LenderLogix LiteSpeed Needs List" Form in your list of Forms. 

Scroll down near the bottom of the Form and you will notice that you can add links and descriptions. Enter the information you would like to be added and then save the loan file and these updates will immediately appear on the borrower's unique Needs List.